
Streaming Watchlist | Watch These in 2022
John and Frank break down the best shows to watch on all streaming platforms.

Conspiracy Friday - Chemtrails
John and Heather break down what the difference is between a chemtrail and a contrail and what the government has to do with it.

Survival of the Fittest
John and Frank talk about a couple different things during this episode.

The Matrix Surged
John and Frank talk about the new Matrix movie, Matrix Resurrections.

Serial Killer Vets and The Boyscouts
John hangs out with Brendan (Dads Worldwide) and Jeff (Jeff Needs Sports) to talk about camping.

Interview with a Three Year Old
John sits down with his daughter Olivia and does a little interview.

Happy New Year!!
John and Frank went live on Facebook right before the ball drop to talk about what's coming in the New Year!

Comic Books Live on Twitter Spaces
John and Frank talk to Andrew from "We Podcast You" on Twitter Spaces about comic books.

The Return of Derek Duvall
Long time fan of The Surge, Derek Duvall has returned! He wanted to come on the show and catch up with the guys!

A Surging Halloween
John and Frank get in the holiday spirit...of Halloween this year and talk about what it was like growing up in Brooklyn.

New York Comic Con and DC Fandome
Frank talks about his recent visit to New York City Comic Con and the guys review the trailers from DC Fandome.

S4E3 - Let's Play Catch Up
It's been a little while since the guys put out an episode so let's play catch up!