
Episode 20: The Quarantined Podcaster!
Join John and Frank in the Basement as they talk about being a quarantined podcaster in the recent months.

Episode 19: Dragon Ball Z!
Join John, Frank and Mike in the Basement as they talk about Dragonball Z!

Episode 2: Wake up and Smell the Buzz!
On this episode of The Morning Buzz, John and Jeff discuss important topics in the news and hopefully brighten up your day a little.

Episode 18: DC vs Marvel!
Join John and Frank...and their brother MIKE in the Basement as they talk about DC vs Marvel!

Episode 1: Featuring Brendan from Dads Worldwide!
Start your morning off right with a cup of coffee and some buzz!

We’re in a Podcast Network!
We found out today that we just got accepted into the Podbreed Network!

Episode 17: The Marvel Universe!
Join John and Frank...and their brother MIKE in the Basement as they talk about the Marvel Universe!

Episode 16: The DC Universe
Join John and Frank...and their brother MIKE in the Basement as they talk about the DC Universe!

The Morning Buzz
We started The Morning Buzz in collaboration with Jeff from "Jeff Needs Help" as a morning show that brings some news

Episode 15: Best 90's Video Games!
Join John and Frank in the Basement as they talk about the best video games from the 90's!